Show Me the Money: Accessing Funding through Federal Programs

You’ve heard about the trillions of dollars that are being invested in rebuilding infrastructure through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). But how can you access these new Federal funds for water infrastructure, and which of your projects are good candidates for receiving this funding?
In this “In the kNOW” webinar, we will describe the primary programs that will be used to distribute the Federal stimulus dollars to water sector projects; how to access those funds; and the key attributes of projects that are successful in securing Federal funding support. We will also share the benefits you can achieve by taking advantage of these new programs, along with information about important previously existing Federal funding sources, such as the low-interest loans with flexible financing provided through the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program, now in its fifth year. You will hear insights and successful case examples from Jacobs staff who have helped clients secure Federal and State financing for billions of dollars in water infrastructure capital projects, and from one of the senior underwriters in EPA’s WIFIA loan program.
Moderator: Mike Matichich, Financial Consulting Team Lead, Jacobs
- Russell Koff, Infrastructure Funding & Grants Lead, Jacobs
- Anna James, Senior Project Manager, Jacobs
- Marnin Lebovits, Senior Underwriter for WIFIA Program, USEPA
- Jason Bodwell, Client Account Manager (Georgia), Jacobs
- Dave Green, Senior Economist, Jacobs