
Nuclear Power Plant Life Extension, EDF

Images courtesy of EDF

We’ve supported the U.K.’s nuclear power fleet for more than 50 years, working with operators like EDF, which owns and operates an existing fleet of eight nuclear power stations across the U.K.

Around a sixth of the U.K.'s electricity is generated by this fleet, helping power homes and businesses, and EDF leads a challenging program to optimize and extend the fleet’s safe lifetimeto continue providing much needed low carbon electricity.  

Our team of project management and technical professionals support the delivery of asset improvement works across all the U.K. fleet, as well as working collaboratively with client teams on the delivery of large and multi-site projects and programs.

  • 700

    million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions avoided thanks to electricity output from the UK's nuclear power stations

  • 2000

    terawatt hours of zero carbon nuclear electricity generated since 1976 is enough to power all the U.K.’s homes for more than 18 years

  • 8

    EDF nuclear stations generate around a sixth of all the power used in the U.K.

  • 50 +

    years we’ve supported the U.K.’s nuclear power fleet

EDF Energy Lifetime Enterprise Partner

As EDF’s Lifetime Enterprise Partner in the U.K., we provide technical support and expertise and are its largest provider of research and development services. Our technical work spans a wide range of disciplines, including:

  • Modelling and simulation, ensuring compliance with design codes, standards and regulations, future proofing key platforms and systems.
  • Rigs, facilities, specialist chemistry, corrosion and materials – developing solutions to tackle key future and emergent challenges.
  • Managing ageing and obsolescence to enable plant life extension and improve generation.
  • Plant performance – integrating tacit knowledge and predictive, data-driven maintenance approaches to keep equipment running smoothly.

We’ve also helped EDF achieve key objectives including target output performance and plant life extensions. To make this possible, we’ve led engineering projects to introduce cooling modifications to inaccessible areas of the reactors, enabling them to safely maintain high levels of output.

At Sizewell B, for example, we’ve provided project management support for more than 11 years, including development of requirements, optioneering / feasibility studies and managing the design and procurement delivery. Typically, we manage a portfolio of around 50 activities at Sizewell B – predominately life extension and output improvement projects, inspections at planned outages and bringing the existing plant up to an enhanced specification for continued use.