The next generation of Flood Modeller, Jacobs’ industry-leading river, floodplain and urban drainage modelling, and real-time flood forecasting software, is here.
Flood Modeller 5.0 is the most significant update since 2015 and transforms the way we undertake flood risk modelling – adding new features and capabilities, such as an integrated catchment modelling solution, all within a single, user-friendly environment.
Computational flood modelling has been in use for more than 50 years. Historically, flood modelling would only assess the impacts of flooding from river systems. This resulted in the misrepresentation of flood risk as the link between surface and subsurface flows wasn’t considered.
With flooding being a concern for most places on earth and flood frequency predicted to increase across 42% of Earth’s land regions by the end of the century, integrated catchment modelling is a key element of most flood risk management responses today.
An unrealistic assessment of flood risk can lead to catastrophic consequences that could cost significant amounts, not only in terms of infrastructure, but also lives.
Floods are among the most common and destructive natural hazards. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, every year, around the world, floods cause more than $40 billion in damage and thousands of deaths.
The rapid growth of urbanization over the years has led to building homes, businesses and infrastructures on floodplains. More frequent intense rainfall events, as a result of climate change, has led to many existing urban drainage systems exceeding their capacity.
With its latest version, Flood Modeller’s new 1D urban solver provides the ability to quickly and accurately understand the risks and implement the appropriate response measures.
Sheffield floods, U.K., 2007
Flood Modeller software provides the ability to quickly and accurately understand the risks and implement the appropriate response measures.
Whether it’s to build flood defense infrastructure to avoid or redirect flooding in the first place or put in place adequate emergency plans to evacuate residents and protect infrastructure, Flood Modeller’s fast and robust solvers provide a fully integrated solution where users can model channels using the 1D river solver, or its 2D solver to model surface water flow, while linking to the 1D urban solver to model the interaction with and the impact on the drainage network. Users can also input hydrological data, to account for different return period events and climate change scenarios. The comprehensive solution allows for many factors to be considered when carrying out a flood management study – optimizing decision making and improving the protection of our communities for tomorrow.
Developed for over 40 years and subjected to extensive testing and benchmarking exercises, Flood Modeller offers a cost-effective solution trusted by many local authorities, government agencies, engineering consultants and insurance companies around the world.