Jennifer Stewart has had the opportunity to develop her technical knowledge through career growth. Her passion lies in tackling challenges head-on.
Jennifer’s commitment to curiosity and seeking innovative solutions ensures that our client, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), remains at the forefront of defense technology. Her story inspires others in the field, reminding us all to embrace challenges and stay curious in our pursuit of excellence.
Jennifer shares her passion for always being inspired by challenges and staying curious about her job duties as a release manager on the Jacobs NORAD Operations Group in this Q&A.
Tell us about your role and what you are most passionate about.
As a release manager for Jacobs NORAD Operations Group, I’m responsible for scheduling, planning and controlling the development and delivery process for complex and critical software projects supporting Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station’s missile warning mission. I’m most passionate about the mission we support and its importance to our nation’s defense and security.
Tell us about an exciting project you have worked on that helps Jacobs NORAD Operations Group lead the way in space operations.
The first project I assisted on was the largest software release the mission system has had in many years. This software delivery's improved functionality and capability was vital to mission success and significantly improved the quality of data provided to the warfighter. I was honored to be a part of it!
What accomplishments are you most proud of?
I have had many opportunities in my short time with Jacobs. I started as the executive assistant to the general manager, which was an excellent way to learn about the contract and develop relationships across all functional areas. From there, I had the chance to develop my understanding of the technical aspects of the Sustainment and Delivery Order work on the contract further as a business systems analyst. This position led to my current role as a release manager, where I can continue building relationships and increasing my technical knowledge. I’m incredibly grateful for these opportunities and proud that the leadership has trusted me to take on positions of increasing responsibility.
What do you enjoy most about the Jacobs NORAD Operations Group?
I enjoy learning something new about the mission system daily from those who have worked on it for years. I also enjoy working with a diverse team to develop a plan to provide specific deliverables to the customer. I’m inspired by the challenge this presents—there is always new information to learn and unique problems to solve.
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