As part of the Council for Sustainable Business’ Get Nature Positive campaign, Jacobs was invited to author the Building and Infrastructure: Design chapter of the Nature Positive Handbook, shining a light on the impact of business on nature and the actions to help reverse biodiversity loss.
In the Building and Infrastructure: Design chapter, we outline the importance in ensuring future building and infrastructure projects do not cause further degradation of the environment. For buildings and infrastructure to be produced sustainably, designers must plan for this from the inception of a project considering the use of sustainable, recyclable, and non-toxic materials, how materials can be reused and how components can be designed to be easy to repair and maintain. Examples of different types of action are showcased here, not as a comprehensive checklist, but as inspiration for further positive action.
In this handbook chapter, we:
- Discuss how the design of buildings and infrastructure can take a proactive and regenerative approach to nature and biodiversity.
- Summarize the five key challenges facing nature, including pollution and climate change.
- Outline actions which can positively drive change, including taking a natural capital approach.
- Highlight success stories in the design of buildings and infrastructure.
This handbook outlines key challenges facing nature, the opportunities to ‘get nature positive’ and specific actions associated with each challenge. We have highlighted case studies across multiple infrastructure sectors, which demonstrate the art of the possible and provide inspiration for the future.

The buildings and infrastructure sector is a substantial contributor to various forms of pollution including water, air, noise and light pollution. An estimated 28,000 and 36,000 deaths a year can be attributed to long-term exposure to air pollution in the U.K.
- Using sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to limit water pollution.
- Appropriately designing lighting.
- Using natural waste and storm water treatment.
- Designing out air pollution.

The U.K.’s construction industry is one of the largest consumers of materials, using approximately 380 million tons of resources each year and producing large amounts of waste, which is representing 62% of all waste produced in the U.K.
- Designing buildings for circularity.
- Designing landscapes for water efficiency.
Change in land use

Development has direct and indirect consequences for biodiversity and society. Town and Country Planning Act developments and Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects will soon be mandated to achieve a 10% Biodiversity Net Gain secured for a minimum of 30 years in accordance with the Environmental Act.
- Maximizing biodiversity net gain.
- Designing for environmental net gain.
- Enhance habitat connectivity through design.
- Use the natural environment to support biodiversity and people.
Climate change

Recognizing the built sector is still a major emitter of green house gases (GHGs), the U.K. Government has set a series of ambitious targets to decarbonize the sector by 2050. This will require the construction industry to reduce carbon emissions by 68% by 2030 and by 78% by 2035 relative to 1990 levels. These targets are interim objectives on the path towards net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
- Designing energy positive buildings.
- Innovative approaches to low carbon heating and cooling.
- Mitigating the ‘heat island’ effect through urban cooling.
- Integrating nature-based solution for climate change into design.
- Embodied carbon foot printing.
- Design for climate change adaption pathways.
Learn first-hand from these projects nature positive approach
HS2 Colne Valley Landscape and Habitat Creation
The landscaped improvements to the Colne Valley site will create approximately 88 ha of new calcareous grassland and 26 ha of woodland.
Thames Tideway Tunnel
The careful selection of an optimal, shortest possible route for the tunnel led to a 19% reduction in material use, with an estimated saving of 199,000 tCO2e.
Transpennine Route Upgrade
Transpennine Route Upgrade has a Biodiversity Net Gain target of 10%, which is recognized as ‘leading practice’ within its industry.
Steart Marshes Managed Realignment Scheme
The Steart Coastal Management Project is one of the U.K.’s largest coastal habitat creation schemes, restoring more than 400 ha of natural habitat, including large areas of saltmarsh and mudflat which are home to many sensitive species.
Nature Positive Handbook - Buildings and Infrastructure: Design

Securing long-term equitable prosperity and societal wellbeing relies on the understanding and mitigation of negative impacts to our planet and the rebalancing of demands for nature’s resources. Nature provides us with an abundant source of inspiration and novel ways that can help us think differently and reimagine these solutions. By harnessing nature positive design and better integrating nature-based solutions into infrastructure development, we can shape outcomes that protect, sustainably manage and restore the vast array of ecosystem benefits that humanity depends upon.
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