Not many people boast of having their own oil refinery and railway network but outside of work Nigel Stanley can be found building scale engineering models and miniature working infrastructure scenes. This provides a perfect outlet for such a passionate engineer.
As Director of Cybersecurity in Divergent Solutions, Nigel works across Jacobs providing insight and solutions for complex projects across data and cyber. With more than 30 years’ experience in cybersecurity Nigel is as enthusiastic today as he was when he first started reverse engineering secure software all those years ago.
the year he became a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology
published papers and books
conference presentations
model railway locomotives built
For Nigel, the best bit about working at Jacobs is solving cybersecurity challenges across our diverse customer base. He particularly enjoys having the chance to apply his smarts across interesting sectors and projects.
Nigel is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and is also a professional registration interviewer for the IET, which involves taking candidates through the process of evidencing their skills to become Chartered Engineers. Nigel believes that good quality engineering and technical solutions makes Jacobs what it is and supporting the IET is his way of giving back to the profession.
“As the world becomes increasingly connected and digitized almost every project that we do at Jacobs needs us to think about cybersecurity. In fact, it’s difficult to think of a project where cybersecurity doesn’t feature in some way.”