Meet Mark Henrie
Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S.

Mark Henrie is Deputy General Manager of Jacobs Missile Defense Group and Deputy Program Manager for the Integrated Research & Development Enterprise Solutions (IRES) contract. IRES is a $4.6 billion, eight-year contract that supports concurrent testing, training, and operations conducted by the Missile Defense Agency with engineering, test planning and execution, information technology, and facility operations and maintenance.
In 1992, Mark was commissioned into the U.S. Army as a Signal Officer. He served in several company-grade leadership roles, from Platoon Leader, Infantry Battalion Signal Officer, Armor Brigade Signal Officer, and Company Commander in the Republic of Korea; Fort Lewis, Washington state; Baumholder, Germany; and Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.
In 2002, Mark applied for and was accepted into the Army Acquisition Corps. He left company command and served as Assistant Program Manager responsible for the Installation Information Infrastructure Modernization Program (I3MP) with a five-year program value of $2.6 billion, delivering IT services for enhanced Army power projection capabilities throughout the continental United States. Mark authored a restructuring plan of I3MP to support a transformed Army better, coordinated and briefed it to the Headquarters U.S. Army, and garnered $1.4B billion additional resourcing across five years.
Mark first joined the Missile Defense Agency in 2005 as a Ground Test System Integration and Test Manager at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado. He managed a task order in the systems engineering, planning, execution, analysis, and reporting of Jointly represented Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) test events with an annual budget of more than $40 million. He coordinated directly with hundreds of military, civilian, and contractor personnel to plan and conduct tests that involved several land, sea, air, and space-based weapons, sensors, and IT programs. In 2009, Mark was picked for his second job in MDA to lead a campaign to cause an Aegis ship to launch remotely using space tracks from demonstrator satellites. This team accomplished a live fire intercept culminating event and other knowledge points, achieving technological firsts for incorporating space tracks into the missile defense fire control loops.
Mark retired from this position after 23 years of service and joined Jacobs in 2015. He worked the last six months of the Engineering and Technology Acquisition Support Services (ETASS) contract while supporting the Sales team on the IRES contract and other sales efforts. With the successful win of the IRES contract in 2017, Mark was assigned Director for Events and Warfighter Support and successfully led that Department for five years. He was promoted to IRES Deputy Program Manager in 2022.
Mark grew up in Okanogan, Washington state, and attended Penn State University. He received a bachelor of architecture and a master of science in space system operations management from Webster University in Colorado Springs. He is married (Stephanie) and has four adult kids (Austin, Nathan, Dakota, and Jake). Mark and Steph spend most of their free time in the Colorado Rockies and other parts of the great Northwest.