Health Service in the U.S. Post-COVID-19

In this episode, our guests Dina Salvaggio (Jacobs Principal of Healthcare Consulting, APG) and Donn Sorensen (Executive Vice President of Operations, Mercy Health Ministry) discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the American healthcare system, in such areas as workforce challenges, financial ramifications, and the evolving role of virtual medicine and technology.

Dina Salvaggio, RN is Jacobs Principal of Healthcare Consulting, APG. She has over 30 years’ experience as a healthcare leader, Registered Nurse and Principal/Consultant, and she is experienced in identifying, developing, implementing and leading teams, programs and processes. Dina has worked as a leader in the clinical settings, at a health system corporate level, within managed care, and in medical supply distribution, sales and consulting. Her focus is on streamlining functions, reducing cost (operational and capital) and ensuring that optimal clinical processes as well as the support services are incorporated into facility designs and operational systems. In addition, Dina has supported health systems with emergency response, mitigation and resiliency.
Donn Sorensen is Executive Vice President of Operations at Mercy Health Ministry. He is responsible for Mercy’s strategy, growth and operations, and he works closely with regional hospital and Clinic presidents to guide planning and achievement of regional and Mercy-wide goals. He’s been with Mercy since 2000 and has more than 25 years of health care experience. Mercy, the fifth largest Catholic health care system in the U.S., serves millions annually. Recently named one of the 15 Top Health Systems in the U.S. by Truven Health Analytics, Mercy ranks in the top five for large health systems. Sorensen is active on several boards and civic organizations, and he is the author of the book, Big-Hearted Leadership: Five Keys to Create Success Through Compassion.