While they may start small, we might see Jacobs on the racetrack sooner than you think! Our Jacobs Employee Networks (JENs) , in partnership with Scholars Unlimited, spearheaded a summer STEAM activity with the students of William (Bill) Roberts K-8 School in Denver, Colorado. The volunteers, including interns and a passionate new Jacobs employee with just one month on the team, worked with more than 70 students to build electric vehicles.
The fun didn’t stop there, though. After completing the cars, the students let their creativity soar as they decorated their creations and engaged in friendly competition. Ready, set, go!
15 +
built cars ready to race
“This was my first STEAM activity with Scholars Unlimited and has been one of the most engaging and rewarding STEAM outreach activities I have participated in. I am inspired by how excited, curious, and intelligent our young, future engineers are in our Denver communities when allowed to build, create, think critically, and solve engineering problems. I encourage everyone to participate in a local STEAM outreach activity and engage the future engineers in your community.”
Driving toward the future
The event's success was largely due to the invaluable partnership with Scholars Unlimited, who has been helping Jacobs participate in STEAM events for six years in the community. They aim to support low-income, academically struggling young learners through rigorous literacy instruction and enrichment programs, paving the way for their measurable success and fostering a love for lifelong learning. This heartwarming event exemplifies the power of collaboration, dedication and community spirit. The kids were excited to share their cars with their families and hopefully start a lifelong learning journey.
“I take great pride in the STEAM learning opportunities we provide our local Denver communities. Through a robust educational program centered on critical thinking and problem-solving, we are nurturing a brilliant cohort of intellectual and creative leaders for tomorrow. ”
“Our STEAM activity partnership with Scholars Unlimited is essential for our diverse Jacobs talent to engage with young people in our local community. As representative role models, we can make meaningful connections while exposing our future leaders to the fantastic work we do through these activities. I’m so proud of Jacobs and our ongoing commitment to STEAM engagement!”

Note: This picture includes all three people quoted in the article.