Our ConnectFlow® software offers industry-leading capabilities for simulating fractured rock hydrogeology using its discrete fracture network (DFN) module. ConnectFlow is also widely used for simulating flow within porous rock using a highly efficient continuous porous media (CPM) module. Highly versatile, ConnectFlow enables regions of fractured and porous rock to be combined and simulated within the same model. An interface to the PHREEQC software (developed by USGS) enables the simulation of geochemical reactions.
A variety of physics are supported to address a wide range of subsurface issues relating to geological disposal of radioactive waste, rock engineering, well performance, and assessing the migration and remediation of contaminants.
A graphical user interface (GUI) provides users with advanced visualization tools that can be applied to a wide range of three-dimensional subsurface data formats; the GUI can also be used to construct and run ConnectFlow models from within the graphical environment.