AI for AI: How Artificial Intelligence and Technology Tools are Addressing Aging Infrastructure and Corrosion Control

In this webinar we’ll look at how new digital solutions are helping the industry better manage and maintain water infrastructure. Technology has replaced the proverbial “crystal ball” and is providing real-time maintenance predictions through more complete data, improved data consistency and faster data processing. Learn how Artificial Intelligence and digital innovations are being employed to enable more accurate management of these age-old issues.
This webinar was offered in two sessions on July 22, 2020.

Session One
- Susan Moisio, Jacobs Global Solutions Director – Conveyance and Storage, Moderator
- Sam Sloane, United Utilities, Drainage Area Manager - Cheshire
- Dan Buonadonna, Jacobs Global Technology Lead for Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation
- Viviana Torres Ortiz, Fort Lauderdale, Senior Project Manager
- Jerome Griffin, Jacobs Global Technology Lead for Corrosion Control

Session Two
- Susan Moisio, Jacobs Global Solutions Director – Conveyance and Storage, Moderator
- Elaine Huber, Vancouver, Asset Management Engineer and Project Manager
- Dan Buonadonna, Jacobs Global Technology Lead for Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation
- Margaret Hannaford, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Hetch Hetchy Water and Power Division Manager
- Jerome Griffin, Jacobs Global Technology Lead for Corrosion Control